Alumni Panel Advises Current AdLabbers

"What has surprised you about working in the ad industry?"
"How did you build your network?" 
"What advice would you give to yourself in college?"

During our most recent All Agency meeting, Senior Leadership hosted an all-star AdLab alumni panel who provided insightful career advice to current AdLabbers. Panelists Sophia Flissler, Maxwell Kraft, Priya Singh, Dylan Hubert, Nitya R., and Amanda Kong offered their helpful - and refreshingly candid! - recommendations to launch a career in the advertising industry.

"There's a lot to be said about using the connections you have in the industry to help you," said Sophia, AdLab's spring 2022 president.

We couldn't agree more! AdLabbers, be sure to connect with these amazing alums as you begin your job search. Many thanks to our outstanding alumni for sharing their thoughts and their time!